Wednesday 27 October 2010

Story board 1 for Urban Development Project

Group1 started making the story board for UDP at the same time.

Story board 1 for CAD and Visualisation

Group 1 also started working the CAD and Visualsation project. This project is designed to develop 3D CAD skills, to develop team-working techniques, to introduce the iterative design process, to introduce animated walkthroughs and to introduce paperless methods of narrative presentation. Team leader Mark made a draft story board for the project.

Friday 22 October 2010

History of the site

Tom made a summary about the history of the site. These give us some ideas for our storyboard.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Group 1 had a presentation with some papers and a conceptual model. We described our story starting from analysis of the site to how the site can be developed.

Conceptual model

Group 1 made a conceptual model showing what is happning and will be happning in the site. We focued on four featuring areas,
-Art area
-Ecology area
-Green industrial area
-Film and Media area.
Our site, Lea valley is running from O2 arena toward Stradford. We put white cups at the bottom and the top on the model as landmarks of the site (O2 and Stratford).
The orange area is art area where  we will develop art and design culture in the future.
In the east of the area, there is an existing ecolog park. This ecology area will be spreading along the river.
The pale green area is green industry. Currently this is a less-green industrial area, however it will be developing with urban green (wall green, roof garden, urban agriculture, so on).
There is a film and media area at the top of the model with some photos of celebrities. There is a famous TV and film studio in here, it may develop as hollywood in London in the future!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Slogan and Concept Diagram

To decide our slogan, each members brought and showed our ideas about it.

The main nagative things of the site are poor accessibility to Lea valley and connections between each places through the journey from Stratford to The Thames River. Therefore, we found words like "reconnect","reclain","combine" so on.

(AC=Access, PPF=Past, Presence and Future)

On the other hand, the main positive thing of the site is definetly water (Lea valley). At the begenning, Group 1 was thinking about a suitable slogan related to both neagtive and positive points of the site.

Benz gave us a new word "Freeport" to our slogan.
Another positive thing of the site is that Lea valley is surrounded with many types of cultural places.
- Film and Media culture from Three mills studio.
- Wild life from ecology park.
- Industrial areas
- Arts
- History   etc.
In the future, lots of cultures can be sended from this place to everywhere.  Group 1 started considering "freeport".
However, Tom opposed to this idea and said "Freeport remind us the image of ships. This site hasn't got ships."

TV advert of BT infinity 2
Group 1 got an idea for our presentation by one tv advertisement. We can make a similar image like many flying lights (water in this case?) from the river representing that many cultures are spreading from the river to everywhere.


Group 1 produced some Eyesoreit about our site Lea valley showing what the problems of the site are.

SWOT Analysis

Group One are now focussing on specific site, the Lower River Lea. The next steps for the group include surveying the site, identifying Eyesore-it images (witty take on a eyesore within our site), identifying a design concept and slogan. The team are also undertaken a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. On Wednesday 06/10/10 the group came up with the following initial ideas:

- Location between Stratford and the O2/Canary Wharf; River/Canal
- Presence of River Lea and Canals
- Water and wildlife
- Historical sites (e.g. Bow Locks, Limehouse Cut, Three Mills) and general industrial heritage.
- Aesthetically interesting water levels (tidal thames vs neighbouring canal)
- House boats
- Existing cycle/pedestrian use along accessible parts of the canal/river.
- Part of a green and recreational greenway linked to the green belt
- Very peaceful towards the river/canals

- Location between Stratford and the O2/Canary Wharf; River/Canal
- Poor access to waterways in a number of places
- Lots of derelict industrial land
- Possible land contamination, given history of industry
- Development right up to waters edge
- Poor river banks conditon: impermeable, concrete not sustainable doesn't enhance wildlife
- Distrupted riparian Ecosystem

- Chance to do something differently to Canary Wharf and Stratford developments
- Interesting industrial heritage
- Exciting site visually
- Linear site - natural movement
- Presence of a natural quiet site in a becoming dense and busy urban area
- Chance to uplift the look and feel of the greenway path

- Canary Wharf or Stratford development swamping the area
- Urbanisation
- Industrialisation
- Fear of losing the natural and heritage character and identity like the surrounding areas
- Increase in longer pedestrian pathways

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Trip to Lea valley

Group 1 went to our site (Area 1 on the map), exploring what happen and happened in there.

Our journey started from Stratford station, walking down along the Lea valley, ending up
with Thames river. However, we found a lot of obstacles and less sign posts on the way to River Thames, the journey was not smooth as we had expected.

This is a greenway without attractive planting. Because of less post signs, we lost the way to the Lea valley.

The end of the path. We were not allowed to go further away, had to turn around... All of us found one of our tasks in this site could be accessibility.

Stratford is also known as coming Olympic site. The site has been developing dramatically, major construction have been carring out aroud the station. It seems that the considerable problem is not only the noise from works, but also the view of ununified buildings.

In contrast to that, we found a pretty historical place on the journey.

The three mills are former working mills, used as film studio today. Green space, water way and historical architecture are well harmonized in here. All of us could feel calm and thought this place has to be protected in the future.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Third Presentation

Group 1 decided prepareing A1 sheet showing the feature of the site "Thames River" with yellow according to Edmund Bacon's theory.
 Pins on the map represent nodes, diagrams connected with strings shows developments (-300years, today, +30years and +300years) of the space in the area.

Details of diagrams.
1. View from Rotherhithe to O2

2. Lea vally

3. Industrial areas and open spaces either side of the Thames

4. View from Greenwich park to Royal Naval College

5. View from millennium village to O2

6. Exisiting greenspacein the south of Thames river

7. Physical and visual axis across the Thames created by Thames Barrier