Wednesday 13 October 2010

Slogan and Concept Diagram

To decide our slogan, each members brought and showed our ideas about it.

The main nagative things of the site are poor accessibility to Lea valley and connections between each places through the journey from Stratford to The Thames River. Therefore, we found words like "reconnect","reclain","combine" so on.

(AC=Access, PPF=Past, Presence and Future)

On the other hand, the main positive thing of the site is definetly water (Lea valley). At the begenning, Group 1 was thinking about a suitable slogan related to both neagtive and positive points of the site.

Benz gave us a new word "Freeport" to our slogan.
Another positive thing of the site is that Lea valley is surrounded with many types of cultural places.
- Film and Media culture from Three mills studio.
- Wild life from ecology park.
- Industrial areas
- Arts
- History   etc.
In the future, lots of cultures can be sended from this place to everywhere.  Group 1 started considering "freeport".
However, Tom opposed to this idea and said "Freeport remind us the image of ships. This site hasn't got ships."

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