Wednesday 29 September 2010

Preparation for Presentation

Group 1 started our meeting at 10:00 on 29th of September.

We decided making a series of overlaya on the base map to show how the east of Canary Wharf is going to change in the future from the urban morphological point of view.

Following map is showing West Ham in 1800, used for the base map.

First of all, we made a overlay showing current state of water area and green area.

Secondary, we made a overley showing a map of the site in 30years. Part of water area is flooded (showing by pale blue) however, industrial area and historical area (red circle) must be protected. Some major nodes(red cross)  of the network are also should be preserved. And we added new networks (yellow)which is formed between red circles.

Finally, we move on to the map in 300 years. The flooded area (pale blue) is spread, land-form (green) is changed to protect industrial or historical area (red circle). We suppose new networks(yellow) conecting islands (the areas srrounded with water) to main land should be necessary.

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