Saturday 25 September 2010

Edmund Bacon

How have cities been developing, and how are cities developing?

First of all, all of us read Edmund Bacon's book, "Design of Cities", and discussed his theory over e-mail.
We found three important his concept from the book,
1. The relationship between mass and space-He says thant the basic ingredient of architectural design consists of these two.
2.Continuity of experience-creating a harmonious environment in terms of the way people move through it and experience the spaces.
3.Simultaneous continuities-hamonious transitions between 'movement' (e.g. car to foot)

These images from Design of Cities show the development of Saint Petersburg (now Leningrad) in Russia.
"Movement systems must be related to natural or mammade topography."
We found the yellow area showed "Movement system" that are key to peoples experience of the space.

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