Wednesday 24 November 2010

Meeting for final crit

Today group 1 had Konrad, Mounia, Kemi and Mayuko.
Group leader Mark could not make it because of heavy snow and his illness.

For our final crit, we decided to making following items:
-1:2000 physical model. It is 3D plan. Need to show details. We are going to make a model for each area, and puzzle them into one a big model through a main river, "river Lea".
-Master plan byMounia
-Habitat plan by Konrad
-Map for accessibility by  Mark
-Scenery plan by Mayuko
-Cross section by Kemi

 We got some ideas for our spectacle:
-  we could choose music: 'age of aquarious' from hair musical
- we could use confetti pop-outs to add more spectacular effect
- as water bearers we could 'spill' the river
- then each one of us would plant a seed of change and say few words about the seed


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